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5 Resolutions Worth Sticking To

‘Tis the season for reflecting and anticipating new beginnings. It’s the time of year when we make promises to ourselves and each other, to do and be better individuals. It’s also the time when we aim big; setting not necessarily unrealistic goals, but goals that are easily derailed. For 2019, let’s rewrite our narrative one small resolution at a time. Here are 5 practical but effective resolutions worth sticking to for the coming new year: 


According to the World Health Organization, not only does exercise release endorphins (which is the hormone responsible for making us feel happy), but it also reduces the risk of developing lifestyle ailments such as hypertension and diabetes. Several studies have also proven that endorphins reduce pain, which means it’s a great solution for those achy muscles and bones caused by inactivity. The W.H.O recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise a week. That’s roughly 21 minutes a day, less than 2% of a 24 hour period. A miniscule sacrifice to make for innumerable benefits.


Learn to cook your favorite meals or improve on the skills you already have. Home cooked meals are more nutritious as we have full control of the ingredients and what we put into our bodies. You also save some of your hard-earned cash by reducing spending on take-out and by extension, lessening waste that goes into public landfills. Talk about a win-win for you and the environment! Try hosting a dinner or two for your family or closest friends. We promise it’ll do wonders for your self-esteem as well as your social life!


Take up a hobby that can be enjoyed both by yourself or with company. Healthy hobbies are the best way to detach ourselves from the stresses of the day. Whether it’s adult coloring books after work or the local Art & Wine Group that meets every Wednesday evening, make it a priority to have an outlet, even if it’s just for an hour. 


Be it charitable, social, or environmental, there is no shortage of needs in this world. Find one that is near and dear to your heart and feel proud knowing that your contribution helps improve not only your life, but the lives of others. To quote the late Michael Jackson “If you care enough for the living, make a better place for you and for me”.


Personal investment is limitless! How about you start or even finish that course you’ve always been interested in? Or visit that foreign country you’ve been dreaming of since childhood? Or how about you insist on that spa weekend every 2-3 months? Sometimes a little selfishness helps us be more selfless in the long run. After all, how can we expect to make others happy if we are not happy with ourselves?


At the end of the day, the most important resolution we should make is to strive to find contentment, regardless of our circumstances. If we can resolve to do that, then we’re already winning in the New Year as everything else is just a branch of this resolution tree. With that said, we at Skye would like to take this opportunity to wish you, our loyal customers, a very happy, healthy and positive 2019!