Challenging Beauty Standards with Six Hashtags

When society wants to challenge a standard or a rule, they no longer take to the streets like they used to. They make their message known by reaching everyone in the world in a matter of seconds and it’s all thanks to social media. Platforms like Instagram have paved the way for people to protest beauty standards and use hashtags to reach a wider audience. Here are 6 hashtags used to challenge body image standards:
1. #BodyPositive
2. #EffYourBeautyStandards
This campaign was launched by plus size model Tess Holliday. She wants to use social media as a platform to respond to all of the negativity she and many other women have encountered. With many posts on Instagram, this hashtag has attracted women of different sizes, cultures and background. #EffYourBeautyStandards seems to be universal and for anyone who has been body shamed.
3. #CelebrateMySize
This is another global hashtag. It has been used multiple times and has been growing in popularity. Models, fitness junkies and the everyday women have been using this hashtag to be proud of who they are and how far they’ve come, no matter where their journeys started.
4. #HonorMyCurves
This one is exactly how to sounds. Women are born with curves and are embracing them! This hashtag has been used by many plus size women who are sharing their stories about not being ashamed of their natural curves. Some are posing in new bikinis, because showing of those curves never hurt anyone!
5. #BeautyBeyondSize
The original movement started in 2017 by supermodel Ashley Graham. She started the year being featured on the cover of Vogue magazine. She intended to be a role model for women who have been body shamed. This hashtag is about loving yourself no matter your size and that it’s fine to not be the stereotypic image of beauty. Currently on Instagram, #BeautyBeyondSize has been used thousands. When searched, this hashtag displays many plus size women, embracing their curves and living their lives. There is the occasional fitness photo but nonetheless, all of these women have one commonality; their big bright smiles!
6. #MySkyeBody
This was a movement started by our very own Skye brand, trying to break the barrier of women who have previously felt uncomfortable wearing a swimsuit. Skye embraces every body type, offering Skye Plus swimwear for plus size women. Skye also has bikini tops for women who need a little more support up top. #MySkyeBody has currently been used by those who wear our swimwear proudly, embracing their bodies just as they are.